Monday 6 April 2009

When I turn old .... 当我老了

Recently, I had an encounter with a nun, who gave me snippets of advice. I was stunned about some things she told me about myself.

She told me to curb my temper at times, so that I would be more receptive to others' opinions and assistance. I need to overcome my little stubborn character and to take heed not to be too fussy about some things in life, but I have a kind heart. She said I am a very hardworking person but need to watch my spending. If I were to be more receptive, open up my mind, the good things would come to me naturally. Otherwise if I were to remain status quo, I would be unhappy deep inside. Actually I have already started trying to change for the better. She happened to be a guardian angel who appeared to remind me again. She asked me to continue chanting "om mani padme hum" (Guan Yin's mantra).

She also gave me this chinese article to read. I found the english translation too although I preferred the chinese version. It brought tears to my eyes and I am deeply touched (感动). Hope it motivates you too. May we continue to love our parents more, as well as loving your loved ones and friends.










When I turn old, I am not the original me: Please understand me and have patience with me.

When I drip gravy all over my clothes, when I forget to tie my shoelaces: Please remember how I taught you what not to do, and how to do many things by hand.

When I repeatedly tell you things that you’re tired of hearing: please be patient and listen to me. Please don’t interrupt me.
When you were young, I told you the same story over and over again until you were sound asleep.

When I need you to help me bathe: Please don’t scold me.
Do you still remember how when you were small I had to coax you to have a bath?

When I don’t understand new technology: Please don’t laugh at me or mock me.
Please think how I used to be so patient with you to answer your every “why.”

When my two legs are tired and I cannot walk anymore: Please stretch out your powerful hands to lend me a hand,
just like when you were a baby learning to walk I held both your hands.

When I suddenly forget what subject we are discussing: Please give me a little time to recollect.
Actually, it does not matter what we are talk about; as long as you are by my side, I am so contented and happy already.

When you see the old me, please don’t be sad: Please understand me and support me, just like how I was with you when you were young and were just learning to face life.

At the beginning, I guided you to the path of life. Now I ask you to keep me company to finish this last leg of my life. Give me your love and patience, I will give you a grateful smile, and crystallized in this smile is my endless love for you.