Friday, 8 May 2009

The offering

These flowers I bought for offering to Buddha at home tomorrow. I love all the vibrant colours. There were even blue flowers! The flowers which are offered at the altar are fresh, fragrant and beautiful at the time when they are placed but will soon become withered, scentless and discoloured. The offering of flowers reminds the Buddhist of the impermanence of things, an important teaching of the Buddha.

We do not make offering because the Buddha needs our offerings. When someone has purified all defilements and enjoyed the bliss that come from wisdom, he/she certainly does not need an incense stick to be happy! Neither do we made offering to win Buddha favour. The Buddha developed impartial love and compassion long ago and will not be swayed by flattery and bribery like ordinary beings! Making offering is a way to create positive potential and to develop our mind.

Hmmm.... after the puja today, I was really tired and sleepy till now. This is usually the case.


  1. Those are lovely! I like the green zinnias. I got some flowers for my birthday yesterday at work but I'm looking forward to carrying them home and putting them in the altar room.
