Thursday 18 June 2009

$1.00 where to find?!

You can still find cheap food in Singapore. In Kreta Ayer Market which was newly renovated, I found this stall selling plain fried bee hoon and plain porridge selling like hotcakes and queues.

The plain Char Bee Hoon comes in a small plate selling for $1.00 each. It was simply fried with soya sauce and added just beansprouts and a dash of chilli. The trick to make this a nice dish is the skill in which you fry the bee hoon. It was delicious.

The porridge also came in a small bowl, selling at $1.00 each. It has a few peanuts in it, that's all but it tasted sooooo heartwarming nice.. I am sure the stall owner has added lots of stock or ingredients like pork ribs or cuttlefish in the big pot to cook this "chook" (mashed porridge). Most people would order both a small plate of char beehoon and a bowl of porridge.
I ordered the You Tiao with Taupok set from another stall to share. The BBQ crispy taupok has strips of cucumber and beansprouts in them. It is plain tasting if you do not dip it in the chilli sauce. The chilli sauce here is a winner, made of prawn paste and sweet black sauce sprinkled with peanuts. It was very nice with the chilli sauce.
Here was my piece of taupok with the chilli sauce before it disappeared! Yummy!

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