Tuesday 16 June 2009

10,000 angels

Was in Plaza Singapura to meet someone. Had always wanted to visit this small little shop cum cafe on the 4th or 5th floor. It's called Tea Cosy or otherwise known as Ten Thousand Angels.

This shop sells everything angels and most of them are made of clay or porcelain and white. And the quaint cafe with a few tables, some with sofa, some with chairs, was an intimate and comfy place with dim lightings. Just nice for tete-a-tete.

I ordered the miniature cake platter which came in 5 small portions of different cakes in different flavours, served on a cute 2 layer tray. The premium coffee looked real nice and thick, it was a little too bitter for my taste that I had to add more sugar than usual.

I think I liked the Tiramisu the best (the one with stripes) as it just melted in your mouth. There was chocolate cake, strawberry cake, banana cake (think so) and walnut cake. I think they serve set lunches and dinner as well.

Have you ever been surrounded by 10,000 angels?

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