Tuesday, 28 July 2009

I'm a genius

Just when I was about to go to sleep, I checked my Blogger again to see if the Textbar is still missing. And everything was fine again! I am not sure if this is going to be short-lived happiness and whether I will wake up tomorrow to find it is not working again! So I quickly posted some pixs for my previous entry, changed the font, made the paragraphs justified.

I am wondering if it was that Product Manager from Blogger who has seen my tweet (complaint) about my Blogger woes. She asked me to list down the problems encountered and email her. I shall check it out later and if it was he
r, I need to thank her! Because she was the one and only Blogger employee who HEARD me. Otherwise I had already been checking out Wordpress and planning my big migration.

Some of you know I am a gadget/handphone lover. Sometimes I buy good quality second-hand models online and re-sell them. Sometimes I try to repackage them to make them new and then re-sell. I have a pair of Nokia phones which I wanted to change the entire housing. For the Nokia N82 I wanted to change to a black housing from its current silver body. And for Nokia N81, I had wanted to replace the housing to a new body (it was all cracked and chipped but otherwise in good working condition). Mind you, when I said change the housing, it is not just a plastic cover on top of the phone but rather, dismantle the whole phone, take out the parts and then to assemble back with new housing.

If I were to send to Nokia to replace the housing they are charging at least $100 or more for each phone. I have been searching for alternatives and finally found a supplier in Malaysia who was selling the empty housings and they only cost $20+ each including postage! He even sent me an instruction manual how to do it. So over the weekend, I spent half a day dismantling and assembling them back to original stage. At first I found out I need special screw drivers and tools to dismantle the phone but I am sure they are not selling anywhere to laymen. I tried using the jewellery screw drivers and one of them worked! So I set to work. There were many heart-stopping moments because there were so many tiny parts and screws and chips and the screen and buttons to take special care of. And I had to remember the steps properly (there were probably about 100 steps for each phone!).

After many hours of careful fiddling with the 2 phones I finally did it!!! I have 2 beautiful shiny black phones in perfect working condition. I beamed brightly. I was so very proud of myself. This was the first time I dismantled an entire phone and assembled it back. I kept telling myself "I'm so proud of myself, I'm so proud of myself, I so smart, I'm a genius, I'm a genius...". Now the phones are as good as new. I should have been an Electrical Engineer or something, hehehe.

P.S. In case I start getting requests from people to fix their phones, sorry I will not do it for anyone, as I do not want to spoil others' phones. I will only take the risk on my own phones. Haha.


  1. ooO u have N82 too? it's a brilliant phone!

  2. Yes N82 is a fantastic phone! What I like is its 5m xenon flash!!! takes fantastic photos!
