Friday, 10 July 2009

Thank heaven for little girls

Yes, "thank heaven for little girls". These words were embroidered on the sweet pink 3-piece romper complete with cap and long pants and little hearts! I finally managed to send off the parcel of my gifts for little Baby Amber in Dubai. It weighed about 1.5kg, and not 7kg as I thought (to which Rich Friend asked me incredulously "7kg!??"). I had wanted Rich Friend to help me bring my gifts up to Dubai but that would have to wait till November, which by then would be too late..... as I bought clothes !!! And we know how fast babies grow. Also, if it was 7kg, Rich Friend flatly refused to do it for me. Hence, I did not want to trouble anyone, rather pay a little more money to send the parcel.
Here's my loot. I simply went gah-gah over little girls' garb, as we can only doll girls up with unlimited cute stuff. Couldn't help drooling over the sweet tiny pink everything. Reminded me of those early years when I bought so many girly stuff for niece when she was a baby. I bought rompers, little dresses, which looked so sweet. For the past few years, most friends' kids were mostly boys, and hardly any girls, I hardly have the chance to buy any girly stuff. Only boring boys' tshirts or guns or cars. So with this opportunity now and since it is Buddy's little girl, I really went out to buy with a vengeance!!! :D
The little girl dresses were so sweet and adorable. I even bought sweet little socks which were pastel pink and beige with frills. Plus a little pink Love-A-Lot Carebear! One grouse though, nowadays cards off-the-shelf are so expensive, that I could even buy another romper instead by paying a little more! People mostly send eCards nowadays and seldom buy cards to send by snail mail anymore. It does not make sense to me that the cards cost so much more, that it simply does not encourage people to buy in the first place!!! No wonder snail mail 'dieded'.

Having said this, I would like to remember my this buddy as the one who likes to send out cards, postcards and handwritten letters to me which I kept since eons ago. We used to write to each other as she was overseas most times. And like me, I think both of us feel more comfortable in writing than to speak our minds face to face sometimes.

Oh, I did not forget about Baby Amber's brother, 5-year-old Ethan (otherwise wait he gets jealous). I bought Ben 10 pyjamas for him as well as a Ben 10 lunch box. If I remember correctly, his mommy did asked me if there was a Ben 10 lunch box many months ago before my trip to Dubai (which previously was not released yet). The Ben 10 stuff in Dubai was insanely expensive. So now I grabbed it since it was the last one on the shelf. Hope Ethan still likes Ben 10.

And I hope buddy does not read this blog entry before my gifts land in Dubai, so it can be a surprise. Anyway, I doubt she has the time now as she will be too busy with Baby Amber. Hehehe. Hmm, how nice if I could be in Dubai right now, so that I can carry Baby Amber...

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