Sunday, 12 July 2009

Where got blow your mind away?

Frankly, I don't understand what's the big hoo-ha over Burger King's latest advertisement for its BK Super Seven Incher. It was done by a Singapore advertising agency who has been lambasted by advertising top-notch worldwide and the generally conservative Singapore audience. They say it was distasteful, giving all the wrong ideas to our "innocent' kids. Even the Sunday Times must dedicate a whole page of write up on this sexually charged ad campaign.

At the bottom of the ad poster, it says:
"Fill your desire for something long, juicy and flame-grilled with the NEW BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER. Yearn for more after you taste the mind-blowing burger that comes with a single beef patty, topped with American cheese, crispy onions and the A1 Thick and Hearty Steak Sauce."

So, it has some sexual connotation to the ad. Yes, the woman in the advertisement is about to go down on the BK Super Seven Incher with a suggestive tagline with the word "blow", with "something long, juicy" which will make her "yearn for more" over the "mind-blowing" experience. I thought it was quite cute and clever in a way with this ad, and makes one chuckle that a simple burger (albeit from a Burger giant) has been glorified in a naughty way.

I read some of the comments people wrote in forums/blogs about this ad (hilarious!):

"Too bad, they use an ang mo for the ad... if use an asian (such as AV idol type), sure will be sensational..."
"Anybody offended by this, needs to wake up and get out of 1955..."
"Anyone complain to BK it is NOT even 7-inch??"

"The feminists will cut them (the 7-incher) in half with a big knife."
"Only an Asian ad agency would think 7 inches is something to brag about"

"Well at least Burger King understands its demographic in Singapore: lonely people."

See lah, now people say us already. But it could have been worse, y'know.

A reader's reprised artwork for Burger King.

Carl's Jr. Teriyaki Six Dollar Burger ad.

McDonalds ad read "Stop staring at me like I'm some piece of meat. You can look but you can't touch. OK. You can touch. But can you handle me? Check out my dimensions. Two all beef patties and juicy all over."
Controversial McDonald's ad in China.

Paris Hilton's sexy TV commercial for Carls Jr.

On a more serious note, BK's Seven-Incher ad should appeal to the teenagers and average young adults. To those younger than 10, it is just a burger and actually I think they prefer french fries instead. Maybe it just do not sit well with their parents. Generally speaking, Singaporean parents react strongly to having their kids exposed to anything sexual - words, visuals, education. Remember the reaction to AWARE's sexuality awareness program that got thrown out of proportion and which the MOE eventually axed?

Well, I understand parents' concerns. But do you think the kids are not going to be exposed to all "these sort of things" sooner or later? Would you prefer them to satisfy their curiosity online which may be even more negative and shocking? We don't HOPE that our kids remain innocent by preventing them from reading/watching/observing, or by shielding them from "negative" influences. We should expose kids to all types of media and then teach/guide them to be able to distinguish the good and the not-so-good. In that way, then can they learn to have their own judgement, make their own decisions and thus develop their own innate creative edge and sense of humour. We don't groom creative kids by spoon-feeding them, you know.

We should ask Burger King how's their sales figure like for the 7-incher at the end of this promotion and see who has the last laugh. As advertising goes ..... "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about" - Oscar Wilde.

Now, I'm hungry. Maybe I should have a burger for lunch.
PS. I bet you were too busy looking at the pixs and sexy video to read what I wrote, right? See.. thus the power of advertising. =P


  1. Like what they say, abstinence is no solution, the springs jumps higher after being suppressed. Ahhh, singapore still has a looooong way to go.

    Or maybe it's really just a burger :p

  2. The thing that bugged me the most, was how much the burger sucked. For me, whichever advertising direction you take on for your product doesn't really bother me as much as creating a product that isn't great or even good. I would eat a sexy burger anyday, so long as it's tasty :]
