Monday 10 August 2009

Peace within

Nothing beats a wonderful strong aromatic cuppa coffee, any coffee, to calm the senses, relax the mind, to inspire creative thoughts and ideas or just to switch off from the hustle and bustle of our surrounding. The barista took her time making this coffee, attentively focused on the art of brewing a nice cuppa. Look at the nice "leaf" on my coffee, filled to the brim. Even till the last drop, the shape of the leaf did not disappear at the bottom. Great art.

I had the coffee the other day. Today was the most relaxed. Had plenty of restful sleep, and I woke up feeling really really refreshed, something I have not felt in recent days. Plus the cool weather was so conducive to rest. After yesterday's event, I felt even more calm and relaxed, my mind clearer.

"When we are fully aware, we can center ourself at will, as we are familiar with a place of silence and peace inside us" - Deepak Chopra

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