Monday 17 August 2009


A few days ago, I had a light meal in Coffee Club in between appointments.
I wanted something light, so I ordered the Bacon & Spinach Quiche. It smelled so good when it was served, the quiche. Within the layers of the squarish quiche, there were generous minced spinach and tiny pieces of aromatic bacon. I only did not like the layer of crust at the bottom which I left untouched. There was a little salad to go with the quiche, making it less "jelak" I guess. Usually I do not like to eat quiche on its own because it tends to be a tad salty. But this one in Coffee Club was just right.
And I ordered the Blackforest to go with my quiche. Blackforest is a brew of blended coffee with vanilla ice cream, cream and cherries on top. The first sip of the Blackforest really tasted like a piece of blackforest cake. The little cherries which had been soaked in rum tasted really good and a little intoxicating. It was like I am devouring blackforest cake with cream and cherries and all.

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