Thursday, 17 September 2009


I just "unfollow" someone who is my follower in Twitter. I think he is a nice, relatively known person in his own right, but he has the habit of blasting tons of tweets early in the morning, late afternoon and after midnight. There were so many of his tweets that my entire Twitter screen was filled with mainly his tweets ALL the time. I think he really "communicate" or reply to almost everyone in his list (when they may not be talking to him). He even says "good morning" to ALL the people individually every morning, and that can make up a few tweets at one time! It was so irritating that it kind of tested my patience for the past few days, so much so I nicknamed him the "Diarrhoea Tweeter". Well, now is diarhoea no more, as I just clicked "unfollow". So, if you like to tweet, just make sure you spread it out in a good pace and time, and not anyhow shoot a few dozens at one time!!! That is a definite turn-off in Tweet-land!

Talking about turn-off, I bumped into Miss Leopard Prince yesterday. I was impressed with my keen sense of recognising people from afar. And that is, I sighted her at another floor higher than me from the escalator. Ahem. Well, she was quite pretty and normal, and looked similar to her in the video interview. So tempted to approach her and interview her.....  :)

Ok, anyway, let's talk about food. I was at City Hall area, so I decided to have the tempura veggies for lunch from Tenya, a stall in the foodcourt of Raffles City Shopping Centre.
Sort of craving for tempura. So I chose from the wide variety of veggies I could eat. There were brinjal, big mushroom, young corn, carrot and enoki mushroom. I think I ordered too many pieces, heh! I couldn't finish the big bowl of sticky rice which was topped with the tempura crisps and yummy sauce. I only missed my scallop tempura.
Was at somewhere special last week, someone bought me lunch. Had Bimbimbap with a big pot of yummy tofu kimchi soup. Not that the food was that over the top, just that it was a weird place to be having korean food. Heh.. shall blog about this another time.
How does my Sambal Kang Kong look? One of the days, I made this dish to go with rice and other dishes at home. I did not use prawn paste with the sambal chilli, and I think it still tasted quite shiok. I love Kang Kong!

That's all for now. Erm... having writer's block. Will be back shortly.

1 comment:

  1. I've been having the same complaint with Twitter. Some people I follow have whole conversations and they fill up a whole page. So annoying.
