Thursday, 24 September 2009

Slept the day away

Hohoho... even before I start taking multi-vits, I have fallen sick (beginning to think that wanting to take multi-vits is a jinx.....haha).  Must be due to the hot weather. Last night my throat was a little painful. I self-medicate (as I did not want it to get worse) with my usual medicine of anti-biotics, flu pills and cough syrup. The medicine made me extremely drowsy that I could not wake up this morning. Only managed to get up in the late morning, took some porridge and medicine, and then became drowsy again. Slept the whole afternoon away. Got up for dinner feeling better but had fever. Wondered should I have seen doctor tonight. Thought it would not help as I could not take fever medicine even if  I see the doctor.  I am allergic to all fever medicine, including paracetamol and panadol, and a long list of other medicines.  Decided to continue taking my flu medicine and anti-biotics. Took dinner, bathed, watch a little TV and felt better already! Now typing this post..... anticipate I will be drowsy again in half an hour when the medicine takes effect. Going to sip my powerful aloe vera..... and crash in bed.

Leave you with this song.....  相信 by Soda Green 蘇打綠 (since they are in Singapore) and 我相信 I will feel better tomorrow !

1 comment:

  1. I am suffering from the exact same thing! TAKE CARE AND REST WELL...
