Friday 16 October 2009

Bits and pieces

A little bits and pieces here and there recently... busy with dont-know-what, extreme ends of fluctuating emotions, absurd happy dreams a-plentiful, enhanced keen sense of observation, amazed by yet abhoring the virtual world (it's a love-hate relationship), having blissful state of mind, and yes, I have been a vegetarian for 60 days! Another 40 days to go!
Just received last-minute news that my friend is coming home, earlier than expected! I am going to see Baby Amber for the very first time, very soon!  Woohoo...~~! Here, she was wearing the cute Carters pink hearts jumper set I bought for her on her first month.
This silverware elephant, a souvenir received from Cambodia, is on my writing desk. I liked the way the trunk is lifted up high. I hang 6 chinese coins tied with red string on its tusks. For wealth luck mah....
Came face to face with the rubbish truck one morning on the road, its man at work, clearing rubbish from shop to shop. Got me thinking..... someone is clearing our stinking shit everyday, do we know that? We ought to be thankful, instead of giving people shit all the time.  
I cannot do without the internet, yet sometimes, the things and people I read about and see in the virtual world left me stumped. It's a nightly ritual. The people I converse with, the news I read, the unusual trends, the sombering thoughts etc... On one hand they talk about bloggers being threatened to be sued by organisations, but on the other hand, among the pool of growing bloggers out there, a handful is obnoxious and blardy rude, (although majority is basically friendly and MYOB - minding your their own business). The virtual news is virtually endless to keep you preoccupied. So sometimes shutting down is the best.....

Been cooking alot recently for the family. Just simple home-cooked chinese dishes plus a pasta / pizza or two, and not sophisticated French ala-Julia-Child-cuisine of course ...haha .... Teriyaki chicken wings, braised beancurd skin wrapped in "strings", Puay Leng with mock ham, and I learnt to fry the fish. I never like to cook fish, so this was the first time, and not bad, I added crispy golden garlic as garnish.

Being vegetarian for 2 months, surprisingly I did not have any cravings for the usual meat stuff. But I do have cravings for yellow noodles, I don't know why. This is still manageable because in Singapore we have different noodle dishes using yellow noodles! So I had the Malay Mee Rebus, vegetarian Mee Goreng, Yong Tau Foo noodles with veggie items and the Black Fried Noodles!
Sometimes I cannot do without the sweet desserts or snacks. Craving a piece of cake at times, whether it is a Blackforest or Tiramisu or Cheese cake.  Roadside ice cream from the ice cream man, $1 for a block of vanilla raspberry wrapped between 2 thin wafers, nostalgic. A bowl of sweet beancurd (tau huay) with pieces of dumplings wrapped with black sesame or peanuts, yumssss. These sweet smelling fragrant Thai mangoes were so juicy and sweet that I can even taste a tinge of alcohol in them! Ha!

Have a nice weekend, everyone!!!

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