Monday 12 October 2009

Company of oldies

The past weekend was a busy one for me. I supposedly had a number of appointments, but some were happening at the same time, so I had to choose which to go, which to forgo. An aunt was back from Bangkok. By the way, if you hear me talking about aunts, it is not only one aunt, I have NINE aunts! In Bangkok alone, I have 2 families of uncles and aunties there.

So over the weekend, 3 aunts plus grandma dropped by for a visit, without the whole ging gang of say, 40. The above were all the oldies I had early dinner with (haha). We went for fish-head steamboat again, at Merchant Street Restaurant next to Aljunied MRT. I was not really hungry as I was rushing off somewhere later.

We ordered super big-size for the fish head steamboat, because everyone likes steamboat. The chunks of fish given were big and plenty. They were generous with the soup and yam, and veggies, and other stuff. They also added small chopped and fried ginger into the soup (so that the soup would not smell fishy). They stir-fry fat and juicy beansprouts which were surprisingly quite spicy because they added a little chilli padi. Then there was sambal kang kong which was nicely done. We also ordered the braised duck which was fantastic. They were not from the same shop, but operated within the same premise. Its braised duck gravy was superb. Due to my temp veg diet, I just had the kang kong and beansprouts. Had to carefully pick out the tiny bits of haebee and salted fish from the veggies though. Had to rush off for another appointment but lovely company from the oldies anyway....

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's great to be able to have the company of old folks. Me especially like so.
