Saturday, 24 October 2009

Meeting Baby Amber

Finally met Baby Amber for the very first time, when my buddy came back from Dubai for a visit. She is about 4 months old. I think her looks changed again since birth, but still as chubby.

I, as usual, was snapping away at any opportunity. Didn't have a nice shot of myself and the baby though... all my faces got chopped off, haha! Anyway, Baby Amber is good humoured, always smiling, besides meal times of course. And I think her daddy needs to aircon their whole house next time as Baby Amber is not used to the horrendous heat here. If I am the mommy, I wonder how I had survived the heat, with a baby forever latched on. I had be swimming in the sea of sweat all the time. Hehe....

Good news is, my buddy and family will be coming home for good in a few months time. Bad news is, I lost a pen pal again. Haha, I think we express ourselves better through writing to each other instead of confiding in each other face to face. *sniff*

Oh  bought this beansprout pillow online for Baby Amber. Saw this from a blogshop, Pupsik Studio, as recommended by Claudia and thought this is quite a unique traditional gift. The old folks used to handmade pillow and filled it with dried beansprout shells inside. This made the pillows light, cooling and safe for newborn babies especially. Newborn babies are easily startled by sudden noises and movements, these beansprout pillows are usually placed over their chest to give them a sense of security when they sleep. As they grow older, these pillows turn into a comfort pillow. The folks at Pupsik also let you choose if you wanted taggies at the side of the pillows. This is from the idea that kids usually like to rub the edges of fabric, clothing labels and tags, to lull them to sleep. And I chose this pillow design from the many available. Pupsik also carries alot of other stuff as well. 

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