Friday, 27 November 2009

Leopard preens??!!

I am so sad as I just got news that someone I totally idolize is currently suffering from some kind of skin disease.

My first reaction when I saw these was .......oh my god.......

Even the doctor is not able to diagnose and confirm what kind of skin problem this is, whether it is eczema or SLE (lupus) or what?! My mom has SLE for the longest time (it is under control), so I know and can empathise with her the aches and anxiety the disease causes. This person whom I idolize since my teens, says at times, it makes her tire easily, that she can hardly open her eyes and she suffers from pain and aches. Despite all these, she still remains so calm and brave. She even calls herself Leopard Lady, because her "make-up" now looks like leopard prints!!!! LEOPARD PREENS!!!! LOL!!! I guess the battle is half won with such optimism. Gotta love her for that! :)

If there is only one thing I wish for her is complete recovery and good health. She has everything going for her except being plagued by health problems for many years. Will pray for her.

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