Monday 16 November 2009

Of expressions & impressions

Ironically, since I can now blog on the move anytime, I did not, because..... no time. Haha! At home when I try to blog, I am sleepy and stoned at about 9pm. So here I am, resorting to blog / concuss in bed. Probably because the weather is pretty cool tonight (after the rain). It is 25 degree Celsius outside, same temperature in my room if I were to switch on the aircon.

Today, had a brief conversation with a lady in her late 40s or early 50s. We were chit chatting, just mindless casual exchange. Talking about first impressions, she suddenly told me I looked like a happy and cheerful person, the 可爱 (cute) type. I was a little surprised at her "可爱" remark. I am usually relatively friendly, so people do find it easy to approach me. However I do not think I am to the extent of being that kawaii looking, talkative, loud and bubbly, to warrant a 可爱 remark. The lady told me some people appear very snobbish or somehow there is something in them that makes them unapproachable.

I realize first impressions do count, even though they may be unreliable. Likewise, when we meet someone for the very first time, we will be automatically attracted to a bright, friendly, smiley person, as compared to a very quiet person who does not have much expression and who has a serious demeanour. I like to meet someone who makes me at ease with myself, have an equal exchange with, and not someone who is too quiet and shy that I feel as if I am the only one making conversation, doing the talking and entertaining the person instead.

So remember, look at ourselves in the mirror and see if we are giving others as well as ourselves a good expression and good impression. Remember to smile more. :)  Good night!

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