Sunday, 27 December 2009

The flood

I sneaked back to bed at 7am this morning because 1) it was still early, 2) I only slept at 3am chatting on MSN and 3) the weather was too hot.  Then I had a dream which I remembered quite clearly.

I was with 2 lady friends, one was a stranger I have not met before, and the other, C, I have met once or twice. The funny thing was, in the dream I could not really see  C's face clearly although I knew it was her. The 3 of us were chatting, and C was ordering  saying to me "You should come to Waikiki with me. I have been there with my son, I can show you around". I kept quiet, surprised at her insistence although I did not know her well.  I was thinking in the dream, "why should I go with you?" and "why should I go to Hawaii when there are plenty of other places I want to visit?".

Then all of the sudden, I was in some place. I was supposed to try on some clothes in some dressing room, and there was a long queue waiting outside only one cubicle. I was impatient and did not want to wait. Then again, C appeared, and told me to go to another room somewhere behind. So I tried to find my way behind, coming across a kitchen, and there was a flurry of activity around. I was finding it so weird by the minute. Then I supposedly found the room, and when I entered the door, I was ushered to a table, and a guy instructed me to eat. There on the table were 3 dishes and all were vegetarian. A guy was telling me this was what the monks were eating. Then 2 chinese monks, wearing grey robes, came in and joined me sat next to me to eat.

Then just as suddenly, it began to rain as I stepped outside into the open, which looked like a huge place.  The rain was getting heavier.  Everywhere was flooded covering  up to the ankles, almost reaching the knees, that the whole deserted place looked like the sea. My niece, nephew and sis suddenly appeared, as well as that C friend again. C instructed me and sis to bring the kids somewhere across walking through the flood. I was getting a little pissed with C, not sure what she was trying to do.

My niece waddled off very fast a distance in front of me, as we made our way across the waters. Sis and nephew were further behind. It was raining and flooding and cold and windy. I was shouting to niece to be careful. Then all of a sudden we discovered the waters were actually too deep. It had suddenly reached my shoulder! I shouted at niece to wait for me but she could not hear me. I panicked when I suddenly could not see her. I turned around to look at my sis who was busy chasing after my nephew. I shouted desperately for my niece and swam across the waters. Then I managed to catch sight of her head popping up the water, as she was still trying to walk across the flood. I rushed to her and hugged her and made sure I held her tight to me. Just as immediately, my sis shouted to me from behind saying my nephew had disappeared! Again I panicked. We were all shouting his name.  I screamed at my sister to come to me fast, as she was getting hysterical. Then we moved in the water slowly as the water has reached my shoulder. Then within the next few seconds, I spotted my nephew who was strangely not crying or afraid, he was standing on an empty bus stop seat, so that he would not be covered by the flood. He waved at us. We were so relieved. I remembered I dived in towards his direction and in an instant, I carried him up. Just as I did that, all of a sudden, the waters subsided very fast till our knee level. Sis and I were hugging the kids so tightly, extremely relieved. Then I woke up. So drama.

Gosh what a horrible dream. And I do not like C, who is usually a quiet person but why was she so kaypoh in the dream and insistent that I followed her instructions. Think I have to be careful with this person in real life. Boo.


  1. ya it was a really horrible dream, nice post,finally ur blog is good u should promote it, i knew a website called for advertising and marketing, They are offering very unique features with cheap prices. they will promote ur blog through all over the network , all u have to do is pay more or less and rest leave it to blogerzoom advertising team to promote ur blog in every network. and see how u enjoy a lot while blogging.

  2. Pay to maintain a blog (~-^) ? I thought it's the other way around with Ads paying the blogger for the p.r. ?

    Dreams often dont come in neat sequences. My dreams play itself out in darkness. I wonder why ? Having lived here for 2 decades, I never once dreamt of life here. Places I knew very well in my teen years tend to pop back in my slumber wanderings - haha. Most of those places dont even exist anymore but they r still very real in my dreams.
