Saturday 5 December 2009

Kiam Chye Ark

As we had some guests over for dinner, I made Kiam Chye Duck Soup (Salted Mustard Cabbage Duck Soup) for the very first time, with a recipe from the internet. I have been wanting to make this soup but never had the chance, and have not had Kiam Chye Ark for a long time. 

1 whole duck, cut into pieces, with skin removed
350g kiam chye (salted mustard cabbage)
300g pork ribs
3 litres water
5 big tomatoes, cut into quarters
6 preserved sour plums
2 tbsp red dates, seeds removed
1 tbsp wolfberries
8cm piece ginger, cut
1 fresh red chilli
(Serves 8-10 persons)

1.  Rub duck meat with some salt and rinse. Scald both duck meat and pork ribs and rinse well.
2.  Cut kiam chye into 5cm pieces and soak in water for 15 minutes, then drain.
3.  Bring 3 litres of water to a boil, then put in the duck pieces, pork ribs, kiam chye, preserved plums, ginger, wolfberries and red dates.  Simmer over low heat for 2 hours.
4.  Add tomatoes and chilli and simmer for another 15 minutes. Remove any excess oil.  

5.  Optional: Add seasoning to taste.

This was my huge pot of simmering soup after throwing everything into the boiling water. The wolfberries and red dates enhanced the colour of this dish. Remember to leave the tomatoes and cut chilli till the last.

Tadah!!! I was very pleased with the result, considering it was my first time cooking this. My Kiam Chye Ark was very appetising with its combined tangy taste from salted mustard cabbage /tomatoes /sour plums.  I can eat plain rice with just this soup alone. In fact, my guests finished the whole pot. :D 

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