Thursday, 31 December 2009

What if you know you're going to die soon?

I read about something that Deepak Chopra just wrote below

We never know for sure if an illness is, will be fatal or not until the condition of the patient  deteriorates past the point of recovery or of course death. Until that point, and operating under imperfect knowledge the position to take is that life is precious and should be supported if there is a  possibility of  recovery to  a good quality of life.  To assume it is one’s karma to succumb to an illness before the fact is a defeatist presumption beyond one’s actual understanding. The rule of karma will be fulfilled regardless of one’s choice. When  your life has a chance, it is better to take a chance on living.

Although Buddhists know about cause and effect, karma yadah yadah etc... But to blame  one's own or another person's illness, misfortune, bad luck on karma is purely "adding salt to the wound". Like Deepak Chopra said "The rule of karma will be fulfilled regardless of one’s choice". One's own actions (cause) result either in good or bad consequences (effect). If we are enjoying life, happy and wealthy, we are so  called  reaping the fruits of the past and enjoying good merits. If we are suffering the "bad consequences", do we call it "retribution" ? What I'm trying to say is, there is no point rubbing it in. What we can do is to carry on positively in this precious life even if you do not like your current state of life /mind, even if you believe you are going through a bad patch, even if you know you are going to die soon. Make the most of life.

I know of someone who went to see a psychic or medium, and was told she has one more year to live. When I heard of it, I was appalled that a psychic or fortune-teller or sooth sayer or whatever you call it, would actually tell the person that she is going to die soon. Even though I believe the "professionals" may know, I do not think it is advisable to tell the client, especially if it is about death.  It is only useful to advise what can be done to avert the misfortune (if that is possible).

The consequence is, this person, even though she is not suffering from any deadly illness, panicked knowing that she is going to die, surrendered her insurance and got back some cash, went on holiday trips, eat all she wants (even though she is diabetic), fully determined to 'enjoy life to the fullest' in her so-called final year, without wanting to leave any spare cash, without thinking of her family. So, is she "making the most of her life" upon knowing the unconfirmed truth? Even if she manage to survive the crisis and pull through the year, she may probably still die from eating all the unhealthy and sugar-laden junk food! 
So what would you do if you know you're going to die soon? Make the most of your precious human life, carry on the good deeds you are doing, do not blame it on your own karma or whatever you call it.  Look forward to a fantastic year ahead. Move on. Push towards a happy mindset and create positive causes now. Happy New Year, folks!

P.S. Sorry for writing about 'death' on the last day of the year. But what better time to take stock of what we have accomplished so far on this very last day of the year to think of how we are going plan and achieve life's objectives for the future, or at least for the next year. Goodbye, 2009!!!!

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