Tuesday, 5 January 2010

LOL8 turned 5 !!!

No wonder this past week I have been feeling that something is amiss or I have forgotten  about something. I just realised my blog has already turned 5 years old on Christmas Day, and I forgot all about it. My blog is a Capricorn you know. Haha! Well, it may sound unimportant to you, as my blog is not as famous as Kenny Sia or Xiaxue. Nonetheless, I am still in awe that I have been consistently writing here for the past 5 years, and almost EVERYDAY.  I've never been that "faithful" to something or someone for such a long time. It's here that I rave and rant about everything anything on earth which left me stumped. It's here that I pour my heart out about some things (well, maybe not the whole heart lah...). Yes, LOL8 has become my diary.

When I first started this blog, it really was meant as my personal diary. I saw the need to document my thoughts and events that happened, so that  it can at least help me recall what happened in the past say, 20 years down the line. Then, there was no Facebook and no Twitter. God knows what else is coming in the next 5 years.  I had absolutely no intention of informing people whom I know about this blog. To this date, only a handful of trusted friends and my sis know about this blog, no one else. The rest are mostly strangers who do not know me personally. I had to let that handful of people know, in case if anything happens to me or if I go MIA, at least my loved ones will get to read about me and what has been happening to me for the past few years. This will be my memories for those people I love.  

Since the blog started 5 years ago, I had been using a dial-up modem to access the internet. It was only until about 2 years ago that I finally upgraded  and signed up for a broadband plan (I refused to pay for insanely expensive broadband plan  in those days when I was still in my old house). So now you know why my posts from the early days were attached with mostly tiny pictures or no pictures at all, because it would take helluva long time to upload files using a dial up modem!  Now with the  excellent internet speed, I can... ahem...  upload all the photos I want, and with mobile blogging, I can blog anywhere anytime I like.

I received quite a number of comments recently. Thank you to all my regular readers for dropping by everyday, and to all new readers, thank you for your compliments.  I just hope that those who signed off as Anonymous, at least you can leave your nick.  I promise I won't bite.  

Thanks again for supporting Life of Lopsided 8.  Stay around. Huat ah!!!