Wednesday, 24 February 2010

It's His fan club I can't stand

Moonpointer, a known Buddhist blog, has provided concise clarifications of misconceptions on Pastor Rony Tan's videos on 'Buddhism". Please have a read over there of some points which were grossly misinterpreted by Pastor Rony Tan.

Now the latest I heard, there is another church who is distributing CDs to their followers,  criticising Buddha as a 'fake God'. Since when did Buddhists say Buddha is God in the first place? I am sick and tired of various groups of the Christian community who see the need to lambast and criticise other religions when they do not have a proper grasp or sound understanding of other religions from the start. The keyword is always 'RESPECT'. Leave us alone to do our own thing, and likewise yours.  

As my guru mentioned during his teachings, he said if you do not understand your religion, go and ask questions and learn, then you can go deeper. If not, you can turn to the other religions, but be responsible. There is a need for different religions. Some do not have the karma to understand the Dharma. Then the other religions are more beneficial for them.

If I may quote one point from Moonpointer....

Harm of Misinterpretation
"According to Buddhism, intentional and uncorrected misinterpretation of the Buddha's teachings which endangers the spiritual lives of many can karmically lead to lower rebirths for extended periods of time. For the welfare of all beings, may all practise greater mindfulness of thought, word and deed. Amituofo".

1 comment:

  1. I often wondered abt the meaning of life. Does the buddhist hv a clearer sense of it ?
