Thursday 24 June 2010

Is civic-mindedness dead? Ugly Singaporeans again....

The other night it was quite late when I took a bus home. When I got onto the bus, I was a little surprised to see the design of the seats and layout of the bus.
All the bus seats were different from the usual seats. There are individual armchair seats, and an U-shape sofa lookalike seats, and even high chairs with a counter! Seemed like a luxury bus, and I wonder how many seats  compared to the norm.

Went online to search for pictures of this bus seats.... and guess what, I found them from a blog posted by an overseas blogger way back in Oct 2007!!!  Now how did he know that when many locals have not even seen buses with such seats even in 2010?!

They looked more like chairs for a conference room...

The lounge-like sofa seats....

The U-shaped seats at the back of the bus...

And..... high chairs with a counter! Looks like a bar counter? 

So, how many of you have taken a ride on these buses in Singapore before?

I also saw the interior of this bus from the internet, somewhere in Milwaukee. This is a 26-passenger Luxury Bus which is used for special events like weddings and sporting events or corporate functions. Maybe one day, SBS or SMRT or competitors will provide comfy seats for their public buses.   

But do you think Singaporeans are civic minded enough to take care of such 'luxury' public property if given a chance to? I think not.....

Got the followings from STOMP. Look at how our fellow Singaporeans made full use of our public transport by making themselves very comfortable indeed.

I hope his feet and shoes didn't stink...

This aunty occupied 2 seats! 

Couples like the seats at the back for cuddling and kisses and hanky panky business...
This joker didn't even bothered taking off his shoes?!

His feet and plastic bag "chope" (local slang for 'reserve') the extra seat... who else still dare to sit on it?

Legs wide open and as high as possible. This is not your bedroom, Mr Samy.

Now you know why the bus companies do away with 2-seater seats on some buses.... and let people stand instead!

Again, the back seats are way too comfy to make out? Maybe bus companies should consider installing couple seats aka cinema style. 

Schools, take note that your students don't do this!

The bus is also a place to feed your kid?  I almost wished I found a photo of a mommy who is breastfeeding her baby onboard!

If locals can't be bothered (to take care of public property), would our foreign friends bother too?

Airing your dirty laundry in public, literally??!!!  This aunty decided her socks need to dry before she reaches her destination. -__-"

And this one takes the cake.... this man decided Singapore is way too hot to wear anything on the bus.

With jokers like the above, do you think we are ready to have even more luxurious public buses?


  1. It infuriates me everytime when I see such people being so inconsiderate. I mean, it's just common sense not to do such things. The driver should have the authority to tell them off or even ask them to alight if they don't comply.

  2. haha, thanks for the disgusting photos. they are really entertaining.

  3. I took one such bus only once at Toa Payoh. So disgusting lor these ppl!
