Sunday, 11 July 2010

Are you hungry?

Saw some heart-wrenching photos. A reminder to ourselves, how lucky that we are alive and kicking and we never go hungry. Don't take life for granted.

Few things have more impact than nutrition on a child's ability to survive, learn effectively and escape a life of poverty.  Ann Veneman, Executive Director, UNICEF

The fact is that there is enough food in the world for everyone. But tragically, much of the world's food and land resources are tied up in producing beef and other livestock - food for the well off - while millions of children and adults suffer from malnutrition and starvation.  Dr.Walden Bello

We are a country that prides itself on power and weatlh, yet there are millions of children who go hungry every day. It is our responsibility, not only as a nation, but also as individuals, to get involved. So, next time you pass someone on the street who is in need, remember how lucky you are, and don't turn away.  Lesley Boone


  1. Good post, sis!

    That's why we should be contented and, do no waste food, and precious water.

    Many people around the world got no food to eat! =(

  2. Hi bro! We need constant reminders of how lucky we are in Singapore. :)
