Tuesday 6 July 2010

Received with thanks!

Received a nice personalised email from Amitabha Buddhist Centre, an affiliate of FPMT. This is what CRM (customer relationship management) should be about.... except they didn't have to be so precise of what my age is. Hahaha! This is especially meaningful to me because it is from ABC, and not from some insurance company or spa.

Dear (my name),

For your XX birthday, we wish you long life, superb health and every happiness!

To celebrate your special day, you are included in our prayers and dedications for our monthly Animal Liberation.

Wishing you many happy and auspicious returns! May you receive the blessings of the Three Jewels always!

With prayers _/|\_

Amitabha Buddhist Centre

BTW, thanks to all who sent me sms, emails, tweets and Facebook messages (and they're still coming in). I'm not one who likes to celebrate my birthdays, as I do not think it should be a great deal and I'm shy. I even disabled my 'wall' in Facebook so that nobody can write on my wall, and so that not many people will know. Keeping a low profile (almost all the people in FB do not know about my blog actually). But instead, friends and even some celebrities sent FB private messages to me, which surprised and touched me greatly. Thanks to all my friends and acquaintances, may they all receive the same blessings I received in return and many times more!!!

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