Saturday 28 August 2010

How will my baby look like?

Have you ever wonder how your future baby will look like? Read about rinaz's post earlier and learnt about this online application, and it was so fun!  I tried morphing my photo with a number of famous guys, to see how my baby will turn out and how he will look like when he grows up. So hilarious! I don't think it's accurate, but enjoy...

My most favourite morph - with Korean actor Ji Jin Hee. Cheery looking big-eyed kid and a very handsome adult version. And with a little of my features too. I like! 

Tell me, which is your favourite here? Go on, have some fun. 


  1. I love you MJ, Ashton Kutcher, Pierce Brosnan, Michael Owen babies! Duper cute! I'm gonna try them too :)

  2. I like the Kutcher, Tomokasu and the last one!!!!! nice. :)

  3. I like the one with Andy Lau! My idol.. =)
