Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Recitation of One Million Medicine Buddha mantras for Flood Victims

Geshe Chonyi from Amitabha Buddhist Centre has advised that it will be most beneficial for the flood victims if we can accumulate one million (1,000,000) recitations of the Medicine Buddha mantra:

Tadyatha om bekanzay bekanzay maha bekanzay bekanzay raja samudgate svaha

The Medicine Buddha protects living beings from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the source of all sickness and danger. He is a Buddha Doctor. His radiant body is azure blue. His left hand is in the meditation mudra and holds a begging bowl full of long life nectar in his lap. As a sign that he gives protection from illness, his right hand is outstretched in the gesture of giving and holds the "great medicine", the myrobalan plant.

It is estimated that, if just 500 members recite this mantra a total of 20 malas each (108 recitations per mala), the 1 million target will be easily achieved by 15 September 2010. It is a great opportunity to participate in this worthy project and accumulate merits through these recitations.  

You can register your pledge of the number of malas you would like to recite here, so that the centre can track the total final number.  I have pledged 30 malas, which is 3,240 mantras.

After each session, you can dedicate your recitation as follows:

"May the virtue generated by these recitations be dedicated to the flood victims in Pakistan and all living beings suffering the effects of natural disasters wherever they may be. May all disharmony in the four elements be completely pacified.

May all obstacles to their receiving whatever assistance they need - food, shelter, medical help and so forth - be immediately removed.

May their suffering be eliminated without delay. May they be blessed with good health, happiness and resources and the fulfilment of all their needs.

For the victims who have passed away, may each and every one of them attain a precious human rebirth where they will enjoy the best conditions to practise virtue and pure morality under the guidance of a fully qualified compassionate spiritual teacher."

Khen Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup will be leading in the grand dedication of these mantras we have accumulated during the Guru Puja at 7.30pm on Friday, 17th September 2010.

The benefits of the Medicine Buddhas Mantra can be found here.

Here is the beautiful recitation of the mantra for your reference. I even have the CD for this. Here the mantra is sang /chanted slowly and beautifully. In my actual recitation, of course I have to be faster, so that I can at least do 2 malas or more per day. I may do more than I had pledged. Happy recitation!


  1. hi, tried to go to page to register, but link failed. said session out or something. This second time, i can't get in.

    Do u think u can register for me. I volunteer 20 malas...

  2. HI
    You can go try the FB page here.

