Friday 17 September 2010

148 malas! 16,000 mantras!

Just a quick update..... yoohoo!!! As of tonight 1am, 17 Sept, I have completed 148 malas of Medicine Buddha's mantra, which is a total of 16,000 mantras! 

Medicine Buddha Retreat                    65 malas (7041 mantras)
Daily recitations completed by 9/11     35 malas (3766 mantras)
Latest recitations by 9/17                   48 malas (5200 mantras)
Final count                                      148 malas (16,000 mantras)

That means, apart from the 65 malas completed during the Retreat, my pledge number now stands 83 instead of the 30 I had pledged earlier. I'm so happy!

After 9/11 completion of 100 malas, I set my target to finish an additional of 48 malas but was not confident I would be able to complete. Since today 5pm is the deadline, I just completed at 1am about 28 malas (3000 mantras!). Phew, do you know I am always a last-minute person?  Even in school and work, I had rushed through the bulk of assignments, projects, or reports at the very last minute. Anyway, rejoice! ;D

Shakyamuni Buddha describes Medicine Buddha as an enlightened being who has special powers of healing. The special healing blessings of Medicine Buddha may be obtained by reciting his name or mantra. For centuries, Buddhists have been reciting this mantra prayer, to bring an ultimate healing of spiritual disease, as well as cures for everyday problems of the body and mind. Quoting Lama Tashi Namgyal, "If one meditates on the Medicine Buddha, one will eventually attain enlightenment, but in the meantime one will experience an increase in healing powers both for oneself and others and a decrease in physical and mental illness and suffering."

Join in the Guru Puja in ABC this evening 17 Sept 2010 at 7.30pm, where Khen Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup will be leading a grand dedication of the total number of mantras accumulated. I hope the target of 1,000,000 mantras has been achieved!

Post Note:
Announcement from ABC, we have surpassed the 1 million target of accumulating the Medicine Buddha Mantra. As of 17 Sept evening, worldwide we have recited more than 1,036,152 Medicine Buddha Mantras! Rejoice!

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