Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Visiting Grandma

Occasionally, when we visit my 86-year-old Grandma, she is always happy to see us. She would keep asking us about drinks and bringing us snacks. Last time, she would cook dinner for us too. Nowadays she does minimal cooking as she is getting on in years, and we do not want her to over-exert herself.

Grandma in the living room posing for me. My aunt likes to display photos of the entire extended family on the wall. I managed to snap some photos of the old photos (scroll down later).  On this particular visit, I don't know why but I ended snapping photos of the little little stuff and items in Grandma's house. I have been in Grandma's house so many times yet I have not once noticed or taken any photos of the things around the house. Perhaps I just did not pay attention. I don't know why I was nostalgic that day and decided to snap every corner.

Here is Grandma's kitchen. Yes, each morning, she still tear away the previous day's date  from this old school Chinese calendar. Perhaps she will be able to recall the date if she does that, I'm not sure. I felt so nostalgic about the very old cooking pots and pans which Grandma still refuses to throw away. She said they are still in "good working condition". She uses this pot to cook her famous, our favourite Braised Tau Kwa. And yes, we still drink water from this traditional Phoenix chinese tea pot.

At one corner of the living room are the photos of my late ancestors; great grandmother, great grandfather and my grandpa. This framed up chinese character, 寿, in red paper cutting, was my gift for Grandma many years ago. It means "longevity".

Cannot remember whether sis or myself bought this antique looking telephone for Grandma many years back.  More antique tea pots and vases are all over the house. There is a very old teak antique cabinet with nicely exquisitely carved flowery designs. And a random windchime at the balcony.

This obiang looking touristy porcelain photo frame of Grandma taken at The Peak during our Hong Kong trip.  On the wall is a decorative copper plate which I bought from Turkey eons ago.

On another cabinet, there were so many little decor stuff, like this pair of pigs, the Laughing Buddha, tortoises, wine, etc... On display is also an old Chinese wedding basket that is made of bamboo where it was used during one of my uncles' wedding. This wedding basket usually contain betrothal gifts.

A random corner. So many remote controls, my Grandma does not even know how to switch on or operate the TV anymore.

My Grandma's house is not complete without showcasing the plants that are everywhere. She has green fingers. Any dying plant under her care will survive.

This is a tiny bud growing steadily out of a ginger! 

This was taken in Grandma's old and huge attap house in the 1950s. There  was a garden too. Her love of plants dates back to those days, I guess.
Grandma with her four elder daughters and nephew. This was probably in the 1940s.

Grandma and Grandpa.

The entire family of 9 kids here. There was actually 11 children but two of them were given away at birth. Grandma was literally pregnant almost every year and times were tough in those days. However, Grandma has since reunited with the other 2 kids. My mom is the eldest, the third one from left.

Ohhh, my parents' wedding.  My grandparents were only in their late 40s when my mom got married! And my great grandmother was still young then.

Grandma's children. The photo of my 3 aunts is a classic. I took the photo for them as a kid and recently I took another photo of them in the exact pose - the then & now photos.

Grandma's grandchildren and great grandchildren. We have many boys in this generation and many of them are quite good lookers, if I may say so. Heheh...

And here was my Grandma during my eldest uncle's wedding, one of the biggest wedding in the family. Grandma looked so grand and dignified wearing the long cheong sum like a rich tai tai here.