Tuesday 30 November 2010

My Mammoth Blockbuster Burger Meal

Oh my goodness. I just found the one meal I made which got my whole family so stuffed they could not finish the entire meal.  And it is so sinful. Yes, this is my Mammoth Blockbuster Burger Meal which consists of:

1. Burger which includes: 
- Fried Chicken Fillet
- Fried egg ala Ramly Burger style
- Lettuce and cherry tomatoes
- Dressing: assortment of sauces

2. Mashed Potatoes topped with mushroom sauce

3. Saute Mushrooms with specual oyster sauce

4. Grilled Potato topped with chunky bacon bits concocted with special sauce

5. Chilled Coleslaw 
- Veggies (cabbage, red cabbage, carrots, green onions)
- Dressing (mayonnaise, white vinegar, salt & sugar)

Hungry yet?

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