Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas Party 2010! It's also LOL8's 6th birthday!

Merry Christmas to all my readers! Christmas day is also the blog anniversary of Life of Lopsided 8! Today, LOL8 is 6 years old. A big thank you to all my readers for your support all these years! May I be able to find the inspiration to continue to blog regularly and may LOL8 be able to benefit many people who find my stories and information useful.

Our usual Christmas party with the extended family is normally held on Christmas Eve. This year, it was at my uncle's house. Not the entire entourage was present, as 2 families were overseas and another family had to attend a function.

However, the remaining of us still made up a sizable number, enough to have 2 soccer teams! Here are my good looking cousins. 

The feasting begins! Here's a glimpse of some of the delicious food we had. I forgot to take photos of the desserts and some other dishes and what-nots!

Our Christmas feast includes Spicy Spaghetti, Baked Ham, Roast Chicken, Chilli Garlic La La, Special Salad, 3 types of Pizzas, Assortment of Cheese, Assortment of Sausages, Assortment of Cold Cuts and lots of Fruits, Cakes, Jelly, Pies, Chocolate, etc..etc...

Camwhoring time!

It was yet another happy gathering / reunion. I love my family, because no matter what happens, they treat you just the way you are, without prejudice and with much understanding and love.  Next reunion will be Chinese New Year! 

Hope you all had a scrumptious Christmas as well.

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