Wednesday, 15 December 2010

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.

Saw this touching short video clip of a Samaritan from Chennai.  Narayanan Krishnan is not a millionaire. He is a regular guy like you and me.  But he has a heart of gold.  He went on the streets to search for the old and homeless, the mentally disturbed, the poor, the destitutes and the hungry.  He feeds them all, and bathes them, and loves them just as they are like his father and mother. 

My deepest respect to you, Mr Narayanan, for your heart full of compassion and kindness, and a soul generated by love.  

"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.

We will be judged by 'I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was naked and you clothed me, I was homeless and you took me in.'

Hungry not only for bread -- but hungry for love. 
Naked not only for clothing -- but naked for human dignity and respect. 
Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks -- but homeless because of rejection." 

- Mother Teresa

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