Friday 1 April 2011

March Madness!

“In fierce March weather
White waves break tether,
And whirled together
At either hand,
Like weeds uplifted,
The tree-trunks rifted
In spars are drifted,
Like foam or sand.”
- Algernon Charles Swinburne

I'm a little sad the iPhone app, Polarize, is not working anymore. So my usual month-end summary using "polarized" photos with fun text is no more.  Now I have to use Instagram again.  Anyway, March has been a busy month of classes still.... until... I don't know when.....enlightenment? :P 

Here's my March 2011 round up...

 Farewell, Elizabeth Taylor! May you have a good rebirth.

Burger King's Tendergrill Chicken was $1

McDonalds' Grilled Chicken was 1-for-1.

Good bye for now, Geshe-la! See you again soon! 

Simple dim sum & shopping with my mom! 

My kawaii twin cousins who were born on 9/9/99.

I'm mesmerized by this particular mandala of a very very important Buddha. 

Another mandala - an offering to the Three Jewels.

It was Losar, the Tibetan New Year, merit-multiplying 2 weeks!

I like to snap photos in Little India.

Love this mango shake which is not too sweet.

Niece went Sabah for a school trip, sent her off at 6am. 

Niece brought back Sabah Tea.

Guess what was I cooking with 15 ingredients?

Devastating earthquakes /tsunamis

My home-cooked yummies. Watch out for a special series soon! 

Sanghata recitation and writing non-stop to create heaps of merits

 I miss my guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Why does SBS need to advertise this? 
I've an issue with "on time, every time".

Earth Hour 2011 at home

My father is officially 70 years old!

Pure indulgence...

Vibrant colours everywhere in Little India.

A little huggable Eurasian cutie !

One of my buddies' birthday! 

Look what's inside my fortune cookie! 4D number too?

The path ahead unravels....

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