Friday 28 October 2011

49th day of passing of Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup

Today is the 49th day of passing into Nirvana of Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup. 

During the whole 49 day period,  Vajrayogini and Yamantaka Self Initiation is performed every day as well as the recitation of the Golden Light sutra and many mantra recitation in Kopan Monastery.

This is the offering of the Kopan sangha community to our kind Guru who has taken care of all in Kopan for 40 years, and has sacrificed his life in order to benefit the community, and who out of his kindness, has manifested many relics.

This day we are all commemorating the 49th day of of Lama Lhundrup's passing and a lot of people would be present to participate in the ceremonies.  Also there will be on display viewing of his holy relics.

For those who are not in Kopan, centers and individuals can perform the Medicine Buddha Puja, to create the conditions for the true and unmistaken reincarnation to return swiftly.

Below is the English translation of the prayer for the return of the incarnation that was composed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

The Melodious Sound of the Kalapinga

A Lamentation Requesting the Quick Arrival of the Incarnation 
of Khensur Geshe Lhundrub Rigsel

One taste in the dharmakaya of great bliss, of all the buddhas’ transcendental wisdom;
All pervasive creator of everything, whose kindness cannot ever be repaid;
Glorious Holy Lama clearing the darkness of ignorance;
Compassionately descending from Sky Enjoyment - the pure land;
Whose kindness is great and unequalled by all ten direction conquerors;
The sole wish-fulfilling jewel, fulfilling all hopes;
Kind Lama, remembering your kindness more and more;
Please reveal the saintly face of the emanation benefiting the Dharma and migrators!
Since beginningless samsara, through the power of karma and afflictions,
We have been sinking in the oceans of suffering of contaminated samsara,
Have experienced and are still experiencing unimaginable and inexpressible sufferings.
Glorious Holy Lama, liberating from the ocean of samsara,
Please reveal the saintly face of the emanation benefiting the Dharma and migrators!
We are the wretched child disciples placing our hopes in you,
We are orphans pierced by the sharp thorns of misery,
Kind Lama engaged in destroying this state of misery,
Please reveal the saintly face of the emanation benefiting the Dharma and migrators!
Alas, migrators are caught in the tornado of bad conditions of this degenerate age,
And the essence of the teachings of the Good Minded One becomes a mere reflection.
Please pay attention on to our situation, haven arisen from a devastated mind, 
while thinking of this.
Please reveal the saintly face of the emanation benefiting the Dharma and migrators!
Being inspired by the melodious prayer of those with devastated minds,
Magical emanation of the of the glorious Lama for those to be subdued,
Come quickly, so that the spring of our benefit and happiness may arrive,
And show the stainless life that benefits the Dharma and migrators!
The collection of child disciples assembled here with their pure samaya,
For all our lives we rely closely on you the savior, owner of the Dharmakaya lineage.
May we children catch the father’s teachings – the biography that is
Essence of the Good Minded One’s ear whispered lineage 
that is held by the explanation and realization.

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