Sunday 16 October 2011

King of Bhutan marries!

The internet is buzzing about how gorgeous the bride of the King of Bhutan is. Indeed she is, just like a Dakini. 

The kingdom of Bhutan is celebrating the royal wedding of King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck to his commoner bride, Jetsun Pema. The people of Bhutan are relieved that their King who was enthroned 5 years ago has been delaying marriage. Thousands of Bhutanese from the surrounding villages joined the king and queen at their wedding reception at a fairground outside the country's most sacred monastery fortress, where a slate of dancers performed traditional routines for the new couple.

Check out this website for many many gorgeous photos of the royal couple and wedding. I simply love their lovely colourful costumes.  I hope to visit the beautiful sacred Bhutan one day. 

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