Monday 23 January 2012

Have a Happy Compassionate Chinese New Year!

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!  祝大家龙年行大运!!!

This drawing was done by my niece many years ago when she was in primary 1 or 2.  I have kept it for so long. This is what Chinese New Year meant to her. 

I shall save all the usual CNY greetings, and share what I saw from a friend's Facebook status. I'm not sure if she is a Buddhist, but she wrote...
What is compassion? To me, it's in two aspects of 'giving' and 'taking'.

Giving aspect is to provide kindness and love, in acts of giving and charity to those people in need.

Taking aspect is to take others' suffering away and taking their life burden off their shoulders. To share and empathise with them.

Have you 'given' and 'taken' today?
How beautiful. May all of us be able to practice compassion in this lunar new year, by giving more and taking the suffering of others.  For it is only through this, that we can truly find happiness.   Have a Happy Compassionate Chinese New Year!

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