Tuesday 21 February 2012

Breakfast on my lil' kitchen top

Some mornings, I have my breakfast at my little kitchen top in the kitchen by the window, and not at my big dining table outside. It is breezy and cool sitting by the window, enjoying breakfast and reading news on the phone. 

Here are my usually-DIY breakfast on my lil' kitchen top, which only fits one person. 

Toasted raisin bread & coffee
Half boiled eggs, toast bread with peanut butter & tea

Hard boiled eggs, Toasted raisin bread & coffee
Sunny-side up eggs, beans and toast plain bread
Barcook Bakery's signature raisin cream buns
Toasted ham & cheese bread 
Instant noodles with whatever leftover dishes
Crispy chicken wrap
Tang Yuan for breakfast on special days!
Some days, it's just coffee (Mommouth coffee from Taiwan)
Sausages with olives 
Full-fledged sandwich on fanciful days
Scrambled eggs and plain toast 
Toasted tuna bread & coffee
DIY Big Brunch - fish, potato, mushrooms, tomatoes
Chinese boiled soup for late night dinner 
Other days, I'm just a potato couch in the living room!

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