Saturday 31 March 2012

Earth Hour 2012 - let's unite and save the planet!

Today, we are going to switch off the lights at 8.30pm in support of Earth Hour ! 

This year a record of 147 countries are going to participate in this global message to take action and save this planet. In Singapore alone, 370 organisations have pledged their support.  

There will be a Earth Hour Celebration at Orchard Road.

Date: Saturday, 31 March 2012
Time: 6.30pm – 10.00 pm 
Venue: Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza 

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Environment and Water Resources, will be the Guest of Honour and officiate the lights-out ceremony at Orchard Road. Many malls and big brand names will switch off their lights too. 

Join the lovely Nadya Hutagalung (WWF Earth Hour Official Ambassador), Tung Soo Hua, Pan Ling Ling and Huang Shinan who will be there to share what Earth Hour means to them.  Nadya and her husband Desmond will be cycling to the event. As part of the challenge, more than 100 Nadya's twitter followers have pledged to be vegetarians for a month prior to this event.  

Click here for more information on Earth Hour.


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