Saturday 9 June 2012

Curry chicken @ home

Over the last weekend, my mom said she wanted to cook curry.  My eyes lit up as it has been some time since she cooked her very lemak Curry Chicken. 

I love potatoes in curry, and especially when sufficiently cooked, they melt in the mouth. I like chicken wings in curry while mom usually likes to use breast meat or thighs.  Fortunately, mom's curry is never too oily.

I flipped and made some roti prata in the Happy Call Pan. No need for oil and it was done less than 5 minutes. 
This is our Happy Meal for an idyllic weekend at home - Curry Chicken with Prata.


  1. Nothing better than mum's cooking. The curry looks so lemak and yummy. I always pick out the potatoes :) Prefer the potatoes over the chicken.

  2. Me too! I only like wing and leave the breasts alone.
