Sunday 19 August 2012

A golden dragon flies in line with MBS' "huge ship"

Yesterday, I posted an amazing photo of an unusual sighting of the bright sun surrounded by a full round rainbow and manifesting a dragon from the sun, right after the completion of the grand Naga Puja, conducted by the Healing Lama Kangyur Rinpoche.

This auspicious sign was reported in today's chinese papers, Zaobao, as well.  I quote an excerpt from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling's Facebook Page: 

Headline reads: "Golden dragon flies in line with huge ship (MBS)". This auspicious phenomena was seen by many and is hence reported by Zaobao, although the article did not mention anything about Dro-Phen Ling's Grand Puja. We shared an auspicious dragon with full rainbow photo on Facebook  yesterday. It manifested in the sky after the Naga Peace Grand Puja at MBS was successfully completed at 1:30pm, conducted personally by 92 year old Healing Lama Kangyur Rinpoche and 22 monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery.

When we shared this newspaper report in excitement with Kangyur Rinpoche, Rinpoche just gave a little smile and replied humbly, "Actually all these signs are not new to me." 

We can only say, Rinpoche is truly amazing. A Living Buddha. Thank you so much, so much Rinpoche, for all your great blessings for all the patients and devotees of Singapore. _/|\_

Kangyur Rinpoche arriving in MBS hall on the second day of the Grand Healing Puja to conduct the Six-Elements Cleansing Healing Puja, which only Rinpoche is qualified to perform. An overwhelming crowd of 2000+ turned up!

What a blessed day subduing spirits and demons (White Umbrella Goddess Puja) and cleansing our vile defilements and imbalance of our body and healing of diseases (Six Elements Cleansing Healing Puja), as well as a precious night receiving the Yellow Dzambhala initiation from Rinpoche. He wanted to bestow and changed to the Yellow Dzambhala initiation instead of Namtose Wealth initiation. Om Dzambhala Dzalen Draye Soha!
In the meantime, all are looking forward to the finale of the Grand Healing Puja tomorrow, the grand offering of 10,000 offerings to the Medicine Buddha.  The monks are also busy constructing the sand mandala of Medicine Buddha for the past few days.
The sacred sand mandala of the Medicine Buddha is almost complete before the Initiation of the Medicine Buddha tomorrow.

The Healing Lama, Kangyur Rinpoche IS the Medicine Buddha. We look forward to the final day of the Grand Puja tomorrow!!! 
- 10:30am: Namtose Wealth Congregating Puja
- 3:00pm: Medicine Buddha Blessing Initiation
- 7:30pm: Medicine Buddha Ten Thousand Offerings Grand Puja 

At the same time, in November at the end of this year,His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is making a visit to Gaden Monastery & Drepung Monastery, to conduct a very rare and important dharma discourse on the eighteen classic Jangchup Lamrim commentaries. It is estimated that there will be 12,000 to 15,000 Sangha members who will gather together to attend these precious teachings.

Being one of the host-monasteries, Gaden Shartse Monastery faces the huge expense burden to provide meals and printing of texts for all 12,000 to 15,000 sangha members during the teaching period. At the same time, Gaden Shartse Monastery is organising an important Lamrim Chenmo Seminar - Stages in the complete path to Enlightenment. This seminar invites 5,000 sangha members, which includes the most illustrious figures from the 3 great monasteries – His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, as well as all Abbots, Ex-Abbots, Rinpoches, Geshe Lharampas, and distinguished scholars. Hence, Gaden Shartse Monastery needs to be responsible for all their meals, printing of texts, transport, accommodation, stationary as well as basic necessities. Total cost for the seminar is expected to reach USD$67,000. 

From Buddha’s time until now, the Sangha are completely dependent on lay practitioners to provide for their basic needs, thereby allowing us opportunities to practise the paramita of generosity. It is said that: the merit from supporting one who walks the Noble path is inconceivable, especially one who renounces the world to dedicate himself on the spiritual path.

Supporting the Sangha enables them to devote their time fully to practice and study of the Dharma, and also ensures that the precious teaching of Buddha will be preserved, ultimately bringing infinite benefits to all sentient beings. This is a gift of Dharma, and there is no greater gift than this.

- One’s karma will be purified. Heavy karma will lighten, and light karma will be purified.
- One gains great merit to prevent and overcome obstacles from arising.
 One will be blessed by the Three Jewels and receive protection from the Dharma Protectors.
- One will be full of auspicious energy to accomplish many activities and works.
- One who is dull-minded gains wisdom. One who is ill gains health. One who is poor gains wealth.
- One gains good looks and shall be adorned with talents in future rebirths.
- One helps others grow in wisdom, and gains great merit in doing so.
- One’s great merit will continue to grow in many lifetimes, not just in this life.
- One will achieve Enlightenment at the same time as the sangha whom he sponsored, due to the great source of merit.
- One will always be able to get connected with the pure Dharma, learn and practise the Dharma, until one’s wisdom and spiritual potential fully ripens and becomes a Buddha.

The flavour of Dharma excels all other flavours,
Other flavours do not quench craving, they only increase it,
Only the flavour of Dharma puts an end to all craving.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet the Medicine Buddha himself tomorrow and to receive his blessings, as well as to create mountains of merits by rendering support to the Buddha Dharma and Sangha community.

1 comment:

  1. hi, how do we go about sponsoring the monks? thanks!
