Thursday 6 September 2012

Our Healing Guru, Kangyur Rinpoche and all those who made it happened

I chuckled as I was doing up this collage of my friends and their photos taken with our dearest guru, the Healing Lama Kangyur Rinpoche.  As I see friends posting photos in Facebook and even Whatsapp, each taken with Rinpoche, I feel so so happy. We are indeed very fortunate and blessed by his visit, his healing, his presence and compassion. Everywhere Rinpoche went, many bowed down in deep respect.

It has been a glorious, blissful and auspicious month of August when Rinpoche is in Singapore.  It has been a very busy month for many of us and there were many occasions, besides the Grand Puja, where all were graced by the holy presence of our dearest guru. Everyone made this possible.... Rinpoche, all the 22 monks of Gaden Shartse Monastery, the sponsors, the volunteers and everyone, anyone who attended the Grand Healing Puja, the Fire Puja, the 10th Anniversary Dinner, the Borobudur trip, the Thank You Dinner, and all the in-house pujas, all have been blessed by Kangyur Rinpoche, the Buddhas and the protectors etc. It was a spectacular month where we witnessed some miraculous auspicious signs.  Let's see if I have time at a later date to blog more about Rinpoche's visit in detail. 

Although it was sheer hard work, full of sweat, everyone in Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling played an important part in the success of every single event. I feel proud of every devotee who made the effort to be there, in a big way or in their little humble ways. 

For the volunteers, it was again another successful merit-multiplying joyous occasion. From my observation, there is something special about this group, very unlike other groups I have seen. There is a strong sense of unity and team work, where almost everyone knows everyone, and where most volunteers know what they are doing. Although there were times of chaos, especially managing the huge crowds of 2000+, especially when the devotees went on stage in throngs to be blessed by Rinpoche, there were a couple of testy moments indeed. Volunteers had to be quick to guide each devotee in a fast yet orderly manner. 

As a rule of thumb, we always have to think of Rinpoche's well-being, and could not possibly let him to be too tired. Holding the torma or his mala beads, he had to tap on each and everyone's head to bless them, all 2000+ in every session daily.  The organiser and volunteers had to make sure Rinpoche is well taken care of. Devotees were advised not to linger too long while receiving Rinpoche's blessings. And for those who wanted to cut queue, the volunteers had to ask them in a polite manner not to. If they were tired of waiting and wanted to go home fast, imagine and spare a thought for 92-year-old Rinpoche who had to conduct the healing sessions for us, using his energy and strength, and then blessing each of the 2000 crowd. I think we could afford to reach home a little later. 

Although a few volunteers were shoved or scolded by devotees, they still tried their best to explain to the devotees. If each and every devotee had taken their own sweet time to seek blessings and offer karta to Rinpoche, the session would have lasted the entire night. So I hope devotees could understand the volunteers' intentions. We just did not want Rinpoche to be exhausted and tired out. Overall, DPL received many accolades, praises and encouraging words from the devotees for having completed yet a very well organised event, despite the humongous crowds. Most devotees were very supportive and encouraging. Thank you very much!

Our final gathering while Kangyur Rinpoche is still here was at the Thank You dinner for volunteers and sponsors over the past weekend. After the dinner, Rinpoche gave us a touching surprise.  Besides thanking the sponsors and volunteers, Rinpoche wanted to give us a gift.  Rinpoche said he does not own any assets or great wealth. However, he wanted to give us each a crystal bead from his mala to some long time volunteers and sponsors. This crystal mala followed Rinpoche since he was in Tibet to India. Everyday Rinpoche would chant and recite the short and long mantras of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin), and blow onto this string of mala beads. Rinpoche wanted to remove the mala string and give each of us a crystal bead. This gift is so so so precious as it is imbued with Rinpoche's blessings and wonderful energy. I am very touched to receive this gift from the Great Healing Lama himself. To me this is even more precious than any asset, money or any branded item. It is an elixir of life. Thank you, Rinpoche!! _/|\_

As Dro-Phen Ling just celebrated its 10th year anniversary, I'll do my little personal tribute here through my blog. I am ever so grateful to have known so many great gurus in DPL; the late most venerable Lati Rinpoche, His Holiness Dagyab Rinpoche, His Holiness 101st Gaden Tripa Rinpoche, Khensur Rinpoche Sonam Pasang, and of course, the Great Healing Lama, Kangyur Rinpoche. Plus so many learned Geshes from Gaden Shartse Monastery who came to teach the Dharma. Without the blessings of my gurus, I would not have created the affinity to get to know DPL and to attend so many precious teachings and pujas. Through DPL, I have made so many Dharma friends and many good practitioners whom I can learn from. Without DPL, I would not have wanted to volunteer and realise the importance of creating merits in Dharma events. Without DPL, I would not have known how to clear my obstacles or know how to handle the ripening of bad karma. Most importantly, the gurus and Buddha Dharma taught me what I want to achieve, not just in this lifetime, but what I want to be in future lifetimes. 

Another person who made DPL a success is Mama Karen, the President of Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling. For so many years she is the one responsible for organising so many grand pujas for the public, inviting many great masters to benefit so many people who needed help, the sick, the poor, the depressed, the mentally disturbed, anyone who needed help.... whether through teachings or pujas. Without her, many precious Dharma activities would not have been possible, and it would be impossible for so many of us, struggling practitioners, to purify our obstacles and to gain mountains of merits. So many have benefited from the pujas and teachings under the guidance of all our gurus and Mama Karen. Through her, many came to know and practice the Dharma. Besides benefiting the general public, Mama Karen is also instrumental in helping the many thousands monks in Gaden Shartse Monastery and their livelihood. All these, in her humble words, were "all because of my guru, Lati Rinpoche". It is her pure intentions to serve and to fulfil the wishes/instructions of her guru, our precious late spiritual advisor, dearest Lati Rinpoche. Thank you to Mama Karen who made it possible to create the seed of affinity with DPL and all the gurus. 

The name "Dro-Phen Ling" was bestowed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, which means "a place to benefit all beings". May Dro-Phen Ling continue to prosper in the Dharma and to benefit all beings for many many more years to come!   

Our dearest Kangyur Rinpoche is flying home to India this coming Saturday and I really cannot bear to see him go. This is because this will be his final trip to Singapore due to his old age. We know Rinpoche's intentions, and we are grateful to Rinpoche for agreeing to visit Singapore this time. We rejoice in everyone's merits who has created the affinity with Rinpoche. Thank you for your blessing, dearest Kangyur Rinpoche! May you live long and may I meet you again and again.

Join us in giving our dearest Healing Lama a grand send off at the airport this Saturday 8 Sept 2012 via SQ408, flight departure time 7:05pm at Terminal 2 in the evening. However, we are anticipating a big crowd, it is suggested all those who wish to send Rinpoche off meet at 5pm or slightly earlier. 

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