Sunday 7 October 2012

Ku Chai Kueh on a Sunday

This Sunday morning, I had Ku Chai Kueh (flour made kueh with chives fillings).  Being partly Teochew, it is one of my favourite Chinese kueh kueh, compared to the usual radish kueh (Soon Kueh) and rice kueh (Png Kueh). I like to coat the kueh with black sweet sauce and chilli sauce. 

Somehow those selling outside nowadays are lacking in standard. The skin is often too thick and the fillings inside are too little. There is no satisfaction.

Whenever I eat Ku Chai Kueh, I always remember the ones my grandma used to make herself. Those were big kueh filled with so much ingredients of chives, mushroom, dried shrimps, lean pork etc... that they were bursting out of the thin flour skin. The texture of the flour and thickness of skin, complete with the ingredients which gave an aromatic smell, puts the skill of the maker to the test. 

My grandma's ku chai kueh was so juicy, fragrant and addictive.  She would steam them the first round and then pan fry them lightly. The entire family love her Ku Chai Kueh so much. 

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