Thursday 14 March 2013

8 rooms in 1

Most people have seen this amazing transformation of entrepreneur Graham Hill's cramped 420-feet New York apartment which fully utilises the tiny space into 8 rooms.  

I solely support and love the smart use of space and storage. As property prices in Singapore are getting escalating high, I see myself staying in a smaller apartment in the future, compared to the 1200-feet pad I am in now. So Graham's idea is an inspiration. I know I can live with just a tiny space. The thing is, how much will the renovation costs of such a clever apartment be by then is a big question mark. Plus the yearly maintenance costs... 

Morever, will be I too lazy for this? If I need to go to bed, I have to pull out the bed and stuff and put it all back into the wall every morning. I just like to be able to 'nua' (laze) on bed anytime. Also doing business in that tiny toilet can be a little claustrophobic to me, sure to have lots of echoes. Then if I wish to cook, I have to take out the induction cookers, fix them up, and after finish cooking, I have to clean them and put them back in the storage drawer. And if I wish to entertain, I need to pull out and assemble planks of boards for the meeting table of 10 seaters. Hmm.... if I am old and sick, would I have the strength to do all that? So really, how practical is practical?  

In the meantime, be inspired by this anyway. 

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