Tuesday 7 May 2013

Tapau lunch from home

It's been a while since I last cooked. This evening I prepared ingredients and cooked for my lunch tomorrow. Have decided to pack lunch to the office, since I'm getting sick of "don't know what to eat" everyday, and I am too lazy to venture outside in this melting weather during lunch time.

Simple ingredients used: capsicum, a pack of curly pasta, Chinese mushroom, onion, luncheon meat cut into big cubes. 

I didn't cook the pasta to the right texture, I intentionally made it 70% cooked and still slightly hard. This is because I am going to leave the cooked pasta in the fridge overnight and bring it to microwave in the office tomorrow. Didn't want it to be too soggy by then. I stir fried the chopped onions till golden fragrant and then added mushrooms, and after 5 minutes added the strips of capsicum and cubes of luncheon meat. Threw in a dash of salt and vegetarian oyster sauce. Lastly i threw in the cooked pasta and quickly mixed everything up and it was ready in 5 minutes.

Let's see how much it costs me for this meal, which feeds 3 persons: 
One can of Luncheon meat $2.00  (used 3/4)
One Capsicum $0.68  
One packet of Pasta $1.50 (used 3/4)
Mushroom (stock from home)
One clove of big onion (stock from home)

Approximately $1.40 per pax for this meal.  Hehehe...

Looking forward to my home-cooked lunch in office tomorrow.

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