Monday 9 September 2013

Tulaliloo ti amo!

When my niece took her PSLE two years ago, each of us in the family wrote our wishes for her in a card. 

This year, it's my nephew's turn to take his PSLE. I wanted to give him a little something in addition to writing on the card. Coincidentally I found a good size Minion soft toy which is the rage right now. Hope it can motivate him a little. And my message to my darling nephew, 

"Dearest R boy, 

Your important exams is coming, so Yee Yee bought you this little gift for good luck and happiness. Hope you will continue to work hard. No matter what results you get, I'm very proud of you. You have grown from a naughty cheeky boy to a mature cheerful smiley boy. 加油!!! Tulaliloo ti amo! Bababananaaaaaaaa BEE DOO BEE DOO BEE DOO!!!"

Yee Yee loves you."

May my nephew do well for the PSLE with flying colours.  

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