Monday, 7 April 2014

What makes me happy

Perhaps a cliche subject but I'm going to try to come up with as many as possible. Because...... just because I had the worst past few days lying in bed (in between work, very brief errands and prayers) with cough, stuffy nose, fever and excruciating bodyache. So I got to cheer myself up by thinking happy thoughts.

1. Having late night suppers with friends, in fact any meals with friends. I used to hang out in Old Hong Kong with my BFFs for supper and we had chat till past midnight because they were open 24 hours (I mean the cafe, and my friends too! Haha!)

2. Witnessing friends who show random acts of kindness towards strangers. I've a friend who always touched me with her kindness and compassion towards old people, ie. she always walk up to the elderly person who is peddling some stuff on the street or selling something in a stall, she had just drop in some cash. So she's my source of inspiration and model.

3. Happy photos. Naturally I like to remember the good times of the photos I've taken, with people/animals I care about or had fun with. Sometimes seeing even photos of the food I had with some friends makes me happy (some friends do not understand why I should snap photos of food every time or they do not like their photos to be taken). But precisely because most photos are taken when one's happy and not when one's in a lousy mood. And it is often the company that matters, happy photos, happy times, happy imprints. 

4. When gurus remember me. A little narcissistic but anyone would feel happy when someone whom you admire or in awe of, recognises you and remembers you through his huge smile and excited eyes. So what more, when my very own guru, whom I hold dearly as the Buddha, talk to me, blesses me or knocks his head gently on mine, and ask how I am. 

5. Winning 4D/Toto or any forms of cash/gifts. I'm being practical, haha! But let me assure you it's shortlived (although I still dream of winning a car or condo one day, haha). When I received cheques from Google, it's a reminder that my dying blog is still being appreciated. In fact I'm just thankful it's still consistently garnering more than 1000 hits per day. I think it's auto pilot now. 

6. Chubby little kids, especially little chubby baby boys. I don't know why but I love their innocent eyes and so pinchable cheeks and their baby smell. I had my share of babysitting my younger cousins and niece and nephew and those moments still bring back lovely memories. 

7. Reading something and it suddenly hits me with some understanding /realisation (eureka! moment). Especially so regarding the Dharma. I may not be the most intelligent person around, I'm not an outspoken person and I don't ask lots of questions. In our society of assessing people by their outspokenness or smart quips, I think I'm a dying breed. I just prefer to put my thoughts into writing rather than spontaneous outbursts/blurbs. 

8. Divine help. Naturally if one believes in the divine, one would be blissed out. Take for example, the other day, I was late for an appointment and decided to take a cab.  I saw the spot which was usually quite easy to flag a cab (not a taxi stand) had two guys already there waiting. And right at that moment another 3 ladies arrived and chose to wait for a cab right before me! My initial thought was 'shit!' but decided to pray for divine help from a certain Dharma protector. I had decided to pray that those 5 people in front of me quickly get their cabs fast so that I might be able to get mine too. Just barely a minute after I muttered my prayers, one cab came and the first guy got in. Another cab also arrived, and while the other guy and the 3 ladies before me were flagging furiously, it went past them and stopped right in front of me. Prayers answered (I've often tried this and it worked 90% of the time). ;)

9. Going places. The destination doesn't have to be somewhere in another country, as long as it's a place which brings back nostalgic happy memories. But I think travelling always makes one happy. I am in awe of holy places in India and Nepal. I always remember trips with friends to Turkey, Dubai, and nearby Bangkok and Malaysia. And I'll never forget family trips to the entire Europe, China and Australia. 

10. No airs. no flares, an equal society. Ideally in an equilibrium state of society, we do not wish the see the ugliness and suffering of mankind manifesting. I would very much like to see that in any organisation, or social scene, but sadly it's not to be. However at rare times I do see that it does exist. Take for instance, when my father was hospitalised for more than a month in Tan Tock Seng Hospital, the medical team as well as the support staff took excellent care of him physically. Despite limited resources of the hospital at times, whether the patient is rich and influential, or poor, he/she receives the same equal amount of care and attention with no biasness, no flare ups, no inconsistencies. This is what our world should be about, something I hope to witness more. 

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