Friday 20 September 2019

Spiritual Odyssey

This evening is the opening of Anthony Chua's art exhibition.  Anthony is a Singapore artist as well as  Dharma friend. 

So a group of us went down to lend our support. Here we posed in front of the 'red robes'. Congratulations Anthony!  🎉🎉🎉
Titled 'Spiritual Odyssey', it showcases many bold pieces by Anthony.

Anthony's many art pieces depict stylised ink landscapes of local heritage shop houses. 

This is a more colourful artwork, Singapore River. 

I especially like a piece, titled 'Celestial Palace' (not shown here). There are some others which include abstract compositions inspired by his travels to Tibet and Myanmar. 

Do catch his exhibition if you can. 

20-29 Sept 2019
AC43 Gallery 
Carlton Hotel.

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