We sat on the exciting Ular-Lah which was a huge raft slithering down the meandering ride and braving through the rapid waters in different angles. Plus screams in different decibels could be heard all the way!
Then we got on to the Shiok River, which was pretty shiok I must say. It was 335 metres long around the park, meandering through with a float, the waters will carry one away and we could just watch as the world drifted by...
Next it was the SkyRider. It was a monorail that meanders through the park with an aerial view of the pools and rides 5 metres below. You needed to cycled on the track on a two-person carriage.
Another pretty fun ride was in the Tsunami pool. Tsunami combined the best of swimming pools and the sea to give you the feeling of the surf under controlled conditions. I felt the choppy currents, soaking up the waves as we floated along. The currents might wash you back to shore or push you further out to "sea".
And there was also a Foam Pool opened at different timings, which attracted most kids. You just had to stand there and let the jet shoot out the foamy stuff all over your body.
My favourite at the end of the day got to be the Jacuzzi. It was an open small pool where fluid jets rub your tired muscles plus a bubbly massage that soothes your aches. I like sitting under the man-made waterfall and had the waters pound down hard on my shoulders, it was stronger than a massage from a human!
The only ride we did not try was the Slide Up, which was supposedly plunging down a four-storey ramp, accelerating until you hit the deck and skimming across to soar on the opposite side.... a few times. I do not think my heart could take that. Haha!
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