Tuesday 4 January 2005

Great satisfaction

Once, I was real busy, was outside for an appointment. I was on my mobile phone talking to a friend when I got interrupted by a man who appeared right in front of me!

He was in his late 30s, and he was reeking with smell of liquor. In broad daylight! Told me in Mandarin that he went drinking and didn't have a cent to go home. He asked me for some money. I asked him how much he needed. He said about $3 to $5. I just took out $10 and gave it to him. He thanked me gratefully and said may God bless me.

I continued talking to my friend. My friend couldn't believed that I actually gave that man money, saying that he was sure to be a hoax! My friend went on to tell my other friends about me being cheated. I was labelled "stupid", "goondu" and more. Actually, I didn't know why I gave the man money. I really thought I was doing a good deed. Anyway, it's no big deal. It was just $10. No matter what my friends said, I chose to believe that the man was someone in desperate need at that point of time and I was just doing a charitable deed for the day. At least I felt happier! May God bless me!

I read this quote somewhere....
"If you make alot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth's greatest satisfaction".

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