Thursday 15 December 2005

This Person

I find it really strange. Really very strange indeed. While shopping this evening, I saw a familiar person. I do not know this person. This person is a stranger actually. But it was not the first time I bumped into this person. Many times over the last few years, I keeping bumping into this person in different places, different shopping centers. Every other month I will bump into this person. I recognised this person because this person is good looking and very well-dressed. This person is around my age.

But what mystify me was, how could anything be this coincidental? Even we do not bump into our own friends or relatives or acquaintances that often. Yet with this stranger, I seem to see this person ever so often.

I read somewhere that when we feel we know a stranger on first meeting, the soul may recognise a friend from the past. When we react negatively to a stranger, it could be the soul's recognition of an old enemy. These affinities, or warnings, come from deep within. We remember but, as the body and brain are new, we are not able to recall the details. Have we been here before?

Have you ever met someone who you found it almost impossible to stop thinking about? Who you felt that the instant that you met them that you have met them before, and that they had never been a stranger to you? When you look into their eyes, do you seem to have a deep "knowing" of that person, without knowing how you possibly can, as you've never met them before?

This is exactly how I felt tonight when I met this stranger.
Affinity no less.

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