Tuesday 3 January 2006


I had a sad day, I don't know why, but I felt a lot better after reading this:

It can be frustrating when your customers and/or colleagues know you are doing a good job but your boss does not. It makes you wonder why you still work so hard to do an unappeciated job. But if you believe in the law of karma, of getting what you deserve, everything falls into place. It also means everything is already in place - the way it is at the moment is the deserved - by the choice of your (in)action and attitude.

Your boss might think you are not even worth sponsoring a course for to upgrade your work skills' enhancement. And that is what you deserve - maybe you are just not good enough such that he realises from enough positive feedback that you are doing good. Maybe you should tell him directly why you think you deserve sponsorship. Whatever it is, you deserve it - whether you speak up or not. Take heart though, that your good work, even if unrecognised by your boss, will have positive karmic ripples bouncing back to you via one way or another. Sometimes it just takes some time.

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